Infrastructure Advisory

Updating Capital Planning Processes

Our team reviewed and evaluated existing processes for their capital planning process for a major organization that accounted for over $10M of annual expenditures. The existing processes were reviewed and revised to ensure sustainable and integrated asset management (AM) plans were aligned. The review uncovered opportunities to add missing capital planning processes and identified opportunities for improvement in the development of future capital plans.
We created a capital planning process plan document that captured all the interconnected steps and alignment with organizational goals. The new document was used as a reference guide for stakeholders in future capital planning/project requests. Furthermore, we provided updated processes for developing the various integrated capital/AM plans, including process maps showing essential steps in the development of each process, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track performance, and recommendations for the systems/tools to develop, implement, and track asset management plans. We completed the project by creating a report and presentation for the updated processes and presented it to executive leadership.


Healthier Futures Start with Health System Infrastructure Planning .